A Practical Guide to Securing ROI from SPC

InfinityQS in the News: When mulling over options for a new SPC software solution, multiple factors may be at play. Maybe you want to save money in the long run, cut waste and scrap, improve traceability, speed your process, move to a real-time, Cloud-based SaaS platform, or all of the above.

Perhaps the biggest contingency is return on investment (ROI). In other words, how can you be sure that the platform you’re purchasing will enhance your company’s bottom line?

Douglas C. Fair, Chief Operating Officer at InfinityQS International, offers this guide to figuring it out.

What must you consider about your business before shopping for an SPC solution?

Generally, organizations shop for SPC software when they either have quality problems, monetary issues, the need to comply with regulatory requirements, or a client who requests that the vendor use SPC. Regardless, you need to define the foundational reason for your search as that can make a difference in what you look for and how much you spend.

Any of the reasons above are viable motivations for using SPC, yet the greatest motivator is business need. That is, if you are hemorrhaging cash because of quality issues, it tends to focus the mind and speed the shopping process more so than other reasons.

To minimize IT support and maintenance costs, consider a cloud-based system. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products follow a lease-type arrangement (rather than a purchase) and do not require up-front outlays of capital monies. Nor do they require the purchase, setup and support of servers, databases and related hardware and software. That should be managed by the SPC SaaS vendor.

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