Automation: The Key to Overcoming the Big Labor Shortage Problem

Clients in the News: Across all industries, companies are seeing significant labor shortages in warehouses and distribution centers. These year-round shortages are felt especially hard during peak periods, when sales spike and orders flood into the warehouse. For brewers, peaks happen in the summer when people are having picnics, barbeques and beach parties, while most consumer goods companies experience sales peak during the holiday season.

Warehouse managers, supervisors and staff in facilities that rely on manual operations know the pains of trying to keep up with an influx of orders. On top of that, they have to manage expanding inventories in the same amount of space, as manufacturing raises output in response to heightened demand. Many companies hire seasonal labor to get by, but that creates additional costs and challenges like providing proper training. Consumer demand for quicker deliveries means facilities have to meet more frequent orders and get them out the door on time and with accuracy.

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