Blockchain & the Big Supply Chain Infrastructure Puzzle

EBN OnlineOmnichain Solutions in the News: An infrastructure defines the fundamental physical and organizational structures of any society or enterprise. For consumer goods and electronics manufacturers, their supply chain infrastructure consists of both physical and digital assets needed to get products made, transported from point A to B (and back) and sold to the end customer. It stretches across suppliers and production sites, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, warehouses and their intralogistics solutions, trucks and couriers, all the way down to the retail and e-commerce level – and everything in between.

Every link in the supply chain has a role in the movement and transaction of goods. However, in spite of everyone existing in a common network, few manufacturers can say their supply chain operates like a well-oiled machine. There are inevitably disconnects, which lead to inefficiencies as well as supply and demand imbalances. The problem is each party operates more like an island in the grand scheme of things, relying on individual systems, databases, metrics and rules. Instead, companies should rethink their supply chain infrastructure and reimagine it as a single, cohesive entity.

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