InfinityQS in the News: InfinityQS International, Inc. (InfinityQS) has announced new updates to its native-cloud Quality Intelligence platform Enact. This quarter, InfinityQS introduces a new event-related feature, Workflows, which not only notifies relevant operators of process and quality issues, but also provides prescriptive guides for consistent and effective responses. Other updates include a raw data download function and further enhancements to the usability of the platform.
With Workflows, operators and other plant-floor personnel receive notifications when there is a potentially harmful event within their area of responsibility, such as if there is a data violation showing that a process is out of specification or a timing violation indicating missed or late data collection. An Event Review banner displays a list of open events assigned to each user, so they can quickly determine what needs attention. Users can click on an event to see full details and select from a pre-defined list of actions, or “event codes,” for resolution. Event codes support consistency in the proper handling of events and input of actions. With the addition of user comments, the contextual information captured by Workflows can help to manage or prevent future events.
For managers, Enact Pareto charts related to process events now include a Status option that provides clear visibility into which events are complete or open. These charts can include additional levels, such as process and features. By having users select from standardized event codes, managers can also view Pareto charts based on these codes to analyze and investigate problems across production lines, processes, or products.