Cimcorp in the News: Remember when taking inventory meant manually counting everything in the warehouse? Or, when fast delivery was counted in weeks instead of hours? Or, when the latest, high-tech, must-have robots weighed as much as a car but couldn’t move and computer memory was referenced in kilobytes instead of terabytes?
Pressures on the supply chain have changed over the years, but it is partially because of these pressures that the supply chain industry has evolved as much as it has—and continues to do so. Now, thanks to e-commerce, free and same-day are challenging supply chains to be better, faster and smarter. Making decisions about which technology to adopt is a top concern and the pressure to hire competent, qualified workers is escalating.
These trends are top of mind for almost everyone in the supply chain industry, including John Rosenberger, director, iWAREHOUSE GATEWAY™ and global telematics for MHI member The Raymond Corporation. From his perspective, a changing workforce, the speed at which e-commerce demands fulfillment and maintaining the safety of warehouses and warehouse employees as the speed of production increases are the three main factors affecting the supply chain today. These challenges create the need for supply chain organizations to find better ways to manage the increasing workload as the number of people available to work in warehouses and supply chain organizations decreases.